Other Sources | United States Law Week
Critical knowledge & skills for the Law Library

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United States Law Week is a loose leaf service (3-ring binder) that publishes every U.S. Supreme Court decision, and selected opinions from other federal courts. In addtion, U.S.L.W. provides overviews and limited commentary on current legal issues.

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Every week, subscribers to U.S.L.W. receive an insert of cases and commentary which is placed in the binder (following the previous insert). Each insert has a table of what is provided in that set. It is found at the beginning of each periodical.


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The volumes are simply a collection of the weekly inserts. The advantage to loose-leaf periodicals is that the cases are provided so quickly. In a day of online research, however, such an advantage is now almost moot. Thus, U.S.L.W. and other loose-leaf reporters have tried to impove the commentary and scope of the material provided supporting the law. This will, they hope, keep subscribers coming back.


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MORE . . .

There are other publications that report cases in loose leaf-form. A few examples include:

-Bankruptcy Law Reporter
-Criminal Law Reporter
-Family Law Reporter