Form Books | Am. Jur. Legal Forms
Don't reinvent the wheel

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Am. Jur. Legal Forms is a very good general purpose form book. It is part of the Total Client Service Library research system.

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The index provides a citation that leads to a form in the main volumes. This set of books refers to the main volumes by section numbers. Zoom in on the page on the left. Can you see the refferences to the main volumes?


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The main volumes are hard bound. As you can see in the example on the left, Pleading and Practice Forms are an excellent source of examples for various legal documents.

In addition, as you can see, Pleading and Practice forms also lead the researcher to other research sources, broadening the scope of his or her research.


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MORE . . .

-Formbooks are updated by pocket part.

-Formbooks are not generally cited in briefs or memos. Trials is, however, considered secondary authority.